Unique designs through collage

Unlock your creativity with a magazine, scissors and a glue stick

Discover how this hands-on approach can spark endless ideas.  

If you've always wanted to be creative (you already are!) or just need a fresh way to spark your imagination, this FREE course may be perfect for you. If it is, sign-up below

Exercising Creativity: Bringing unique designs to life through collage

Get anytime access to the course. When you sign-up for the course you will be added to my mailing list. I send out my newsletter 3-6 times a year and you can unsubscribe at any time. There may also be occasional course related emails to those who have joined the course.

✓ Only name and email address to join (no credit card)
✓ Nearly 30 mins of video content and 2 downloadable PDFs
✓ Unlimited access, once account set up

Frequently asked questions

  • The course is hosted on my website and will be available for the foreseeable future. If I have to take it down for any reason I will endeavor to give you notice.

  • It is entirely free

  • Yes, you can. Send them this link so they can find out more https://www.marianhallart.com/learn-with-me