Autobiographical Art - ‘Marking Our Way’

How would you design the cover of your autobiography?  I couldn’t leave this question unanswered. Equally intrigued by the question, three other artists also designed the cover of their fictional autobiography. Reflecting on the work we make and the way we create it, led us to create a body of autobiographical work which we called ‘Marking Our Way’ and is accompanied by an illustrated e-book. Although we didn’t set out to write a book, we found the process of writing a useful to way to reflect and share our thoughts.

‘Marking Our Way’ was exhibited at the Broadway Gallery, Letchworth in July 2022. Click to see a short video of the exhibition. The e-book is available to download or to read online on my exhibition page. The e-book also includes the work of the three other participating artists: Janet Pullen, Janet Edmonds or Buffy Fieldhouse.

Below is some of the work I created for ‘Marking Our Way’. Please click to enlarge the image or to find more information about the work.

Exercising Creativity POA

Read my blogpost to find out about the cover of my fictional autobiography

She’d Lost the Thread
Print and Stitch POA
Available as a giclee print

She'd Lost the Thread - Digital Print
Mapping Creativity

She’d Lost the Thread
Print and Stitch Sold
Available as a giclee print

The book cover and a print out of my section
of the e-book, bound into a physical book

She'd lost the thread - Yellow Screen Print She'd lost the thread - Yellow Screen Print
Quick View